学院信息 & 工作人员




  • If you have temperature-critical materials, contact your Facilities Services office to ensure that emergency power is available.
  • Secure all critical papers, pictures, books and other loose items in a cabinet, desk 或壁橱.
  • If you have cleaning products, paints or thinners, any chemicals in your space, please sequester those products in a safe place to ensure they do not spill.
  • Unplug all electrical equipment, including your computer.
  • Move as much as possible away 从windows to an interior area or against an interior 墙.
  • Raise equipment, including surge protectors, up off of the floor 必要时, especially if you are on the first floor of a low-lying building.
  • If you can, cover with plastic and secure with tape any office equipment, scientific instruments, fine art, antiques and computers that cannot be stowed or moved away 从windows. (This will not be supplied by Facilities.)
  • Close and lock (or secure with tape) all filing cabinets. o关闭并锁上所有窗户.
  • 关闭并锁上所有的门.
  • Stow telephone in desk, closet or cabinet.
  • Take personal items and backup copies/flash drives home with you.
  • Before leaving, meet with your supervisor to confirm telephone numbers and learn when you are expected to call your supervisor after the storm. 协助其他部门 必要时.


Tony DiGirolamo, our Laboratory Manager, has been working to consolidate and prepare chemicals, waste, and other hazardous materials. 如果你有任何问题 you may need to do to secure hazardous materials in your area, please contact Tony 迪吉罗拉莫,分机7323.



取消 & 疏散

Depending on the severity of the emergency, 杰克逊维尔大学 may choose to cancel 类 while maintaining essential operations on campus. 请熟悉 yourself with the campus procedures that may take effect in the event of a severe 天气应急.


  • The Provost and Chief Academic Affairs 办公室r will determine the cancellation of 类. Please check the University web site and University email for information 与课程取消有关.
  • Residential facilities will remain open.


  • All 类 will be canceled, and business operations will cease.
  • If possible, JU may keep open portions of the residential facilities and essential 大学的操作.


  • When a voluntary evacuation is issued for Duval County, a voluntary evacuation may also be issued for 杰克逊维尔大学 students.
  • Students will be encouraged to evacuate campus. 不能旅行的学生 home will be provided with alternative housing options through the Residential Life 办公室. Depending on the severity of the storm, students may be asked to relocate 到橡树厅.
  • Students will be allowed to drive home when the hurricane is far from landfall and 天气条件允许.  Students who are not traveling to their permanent residence are expected to notify their parents of their whereabouts and complete the emergency contact information 海豚链接上的表格.
  • All students should take all of their notes, course syllabi, assignments, books and 附加课程材料.  教师 expect you to continue studying for your courses 在疏散期间.
  • University personnel such as 校园安全, maintenance workers, and their supervisors will continue to be on duty during these storms.  校园官员们一直在忙 contact with local, county and state emergency managers.


In the rare occasion that a mandatory evacuation is issued for a hurricane:

  • Students will be allowed several hours of safe driving time in daylight hours before 预计登陆.
  • Students who are not traveling to their permanent residence are expected to notify their parents and/or out-of-state relative or friend to advise them of their whereabouts 联系方式. Students are required to complete the emergency contact information 海豚链接上的表格. Please print this form and provide a copy to your RA 在离开之前.
  • The Student Life office will help coordinate temporary housing for those students 谁不能回家.  Students should immediately contact (904) 256-7067 寻求住宿方面的帮助.

Remember, it could take several days to provide a safe environment on campus after 飓风:飓风或大风暴.  While away from campus, all students should continually monitor the JU Homepage for information and instructions for returning after the storm.  Please do not return to campus until instructions have been issued.


  • Students, faculty, staff and community traffic will be allowed back on campus.
  • Some or all business operations and processes will resume.
  • 上课可能会也可能不会.
  • Residential facilities may or may not remain closed.
  • JU may only reopen portions of the 大学的操作.
